
Seagull aims to solve the major pain points developer currently face when building web apps. Therefore the subtitle of the framework is not a joke, these Buzzwords mean the following:

  • Featherweight: Ambitiious frameworks tend to become heavy, bloated and too big to grasp in a hurry. Seagull aims to be a great choice for the fast paced environment of Hackathons or Startups, while also flying in circles around complex enterprise solutions when it comes to performance and scalability. → more...

  • Zero-Config: From start to deployment: there is no need to set up dozens of dependencies, build tools or cherry-picking libraries. In the spirit of "Convention over Configuration (CoC)", Seagull manages everything for you transparently. → more...

  • Typesafe: Seagull leverages the most popular web programming language out there (Javascript), but goes huge steps forward by embracing modern Typescript. Everything is checked at compile time, including your frontend. → more...

  • Isomorphic: Your whole app is written in the same language: Typescript. The backend parts will be executed through node.js, the frontend consists of react-like components, including styles-in-js code, the database is a NoSQL document store that deals with JSON. Fullstack on steroids. → more...

  • Cloud: The framework is optimized to compile apps to AWS Lambda functions and spin up a serverless infrastructure via AWS Cloudformation. There are no servers to manage anymore, you only pay for what you use. Small Projects (~10,000 requests per day) are within AWS free tiers. → more...

  • Framework: A modern fullstack web application consists of an interactive single-page-application (SPA), with server-side-rendering (SSR) for initial page loads and crawlers, plus server-only data processing stuff. Seagull provides all of that, out of the box. → more...

Seagull was inspired by many other trends in web development and represents the idea of combining the very latest advancements in web development technologies in frontend and backend with the philosophy of ruby and rails. While the era of Ruby and Rails is coming to an end currently, Seagull aims to preserve the mindset for future generations. A big leap in the technological foundations, bypassing stepping stones like Go, Elixir, Phoenix, Crystal, Ember.js and others, going straight to the true cloud computing era. This futuristic world just needs a bit of spirit from a more civilized age, like the mindset of focussing on developer happiness for real boosts in productivity.

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